In the last years, there was a growing interest in Hans-Jürgen Krahl’s writings in the English-speaking world. Translations of several texts have been made available by now, more will follow:
- The famous “Personal information“, a long speech by Krahl at court on his own intellectual biography. We recommend to beginn reading Krahl with this text.
- Refusal Requires a Guerilla Mentality: Famous organizational talk of Krahl and Dutschke together which outlines a strategy for the movement in the metropole, drawing on Marcuse and Che Guevara.
- Krahl’s obituary article on Adorno, shortly after the latter’s death, a very important critique of Adorno.
- Krahl’s article “The Philosophy of History and the Authoritarian State“, a time diagnosis drawing on Horkheimer and Marcuse.
- Czechosklovakia: The dialectic of the reforms: A close study on the CSSR after Soviet tanks had crushed the Prague Spring. I note that we published a leaflet by Krahl and Volkhard Mosler on this topic for the first time in our volume “Für Hans-Jürgen Krahl”.